Previous Researchers

Founding Researchers:
James Austin, Harvard Business School.
Gustavo Herrero, Harvard Business School.

Previous Researchers:
Rafael Águila, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Daniel Arenas, ESADE Business & Law School.
Guillermo Arnaudo, Universidad de San Andrés.
Julio Ayca, INCAE Business School.
Mónica Azofeifa, INCAE Business School.
Andrés Barragán, Universidad de los Andes.
Gabriela Bearzi, Universidad de San Andrés.
Mónica Bose, Universidad de São Paulo.
Tania Casado, Universidad de São Paulo.
Martha Chávez, Universidad del Pacífico.
Michael Chu, Harvard Business School.
Daniel Chudnovsky, Universidad de San Andrés.
Forrest Colburn, INCAE Business School.
Victoria Corti Maderna, Universidad de San Andrés.
Adrian Darmohraj, Universidad de San Andrés.
Paulo da Rocha Borba, Universidad de São Paulo.
Elsa del Castillo, Universidad del Pacífico.
Álvaro J.Delgado, Universidad del Pacífico.
Héctor Díaz‐Sáenz, EGADE Business School.
Verónica Durana, Universidad de los Andes.
Marisa Eboli, Universidad de São Paulo.
Guillermo S. Edelberg, INCAE Business School.
Vanina Farber, Universidad del Pacífico.
Diana Fernández, Universidad de los Andes.
Rosa María Fischer, Universidade de São Paulo.
Juliano Flores, INCAE Business School.
Fernando Frydman, Universidad de San Andrés.
Henry Gómez Samper, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración.
Carolina Gowland, Universidad de San Andrés.
Norma Hernandez, EGADE Business School.
Jorge Herrera, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
John Ickis, INCAE Business School.
Ariel Kievsky, Universidad de San Andrés.
Mladen Koljatic, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.
Laura Lamolia, ESADE Business & Law School.
Francisco Leguizamon, INCAE Business School.
Mateo Lesizza, INCAE Business School.
Ivan Darío Lobo, Universidad de los Andes.
Angel Maass, EGADE Business School.
Patricia Márquez, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración.
Luciana Rocha Mendonça, Universidad de São Paulo.
Michael Metzger, INCAE Business School.
Christopher Moxon, EGADE Business School.
Elidia María Novaes, Universidad de São Paulo.
Enrique Ogliastri, INCAE Business School.
Luz E. Orozco, Universidad de los Andes.
Maria Parareda, ESADE Business & Law School.
Felipe Pérez, INCAE Business School.
Ramón Pinango, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración.
Manuela Plaza, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración.
Sergio Postigo, Universidad de San Andrés.
Julio Sergio Ramirez, INCAE Business School.
Cecilia Rena, Universidad de San Andrés.
Jesus Revilla, INCAE Business School.
José Rivera, Universidad de São Paulo.
Eric F. Rodriguez, Universidad de los Andes.
Mario Roitter, Universidad de San Andrés.
Carlos Romero, EGADE Business School.
Jaime A. Ruiz, Universidad de los Andes.
Raul Sanabria, Universidad de los Andes.
Cynthia Sanborn, Universidad del Pacífico.
Luis E. Sanchez, Universidad de San Andrés.
Loretta Serrano, EGADE Business School.
Angel Saz‐Carranza, ESADE Business & Law School.
Luana Schoenmaker de Pedreira, Universidad de São Paulo.
Mónica Silva, Universidad de São Paulo.
Ruth Szvarc, Universidad de San Andrés.
Maria Fernanda Tamborini, Universidad de San Andrés.
Joao Teixeira Pires, Universidad de São Paulo.
Marcus Thiell, Universidad de los Andes.
Ana Lucia Trujillo, Universidad de los Andes.
Elsa Margarita Uribe, Universidad de los Andes.
Lourdes Urriolagoitia, ESADE Business & Law School.
Bart Van Hoof, Universidad de los Andes.
Natalia Vasquez, INCAE Business School.
Horacio Viana, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración.
Marc Vilanova, ESADE Business & Law School.
Maria Cristina Wirth, Universidad de San Andrés.
Decio Zylbersztajs, Universidad de São Paulo.

* The universities listed next to each of the researchers are the ones they were associated to when they participated in the SEKN network.


The Banco BCI and the Corporación Crédito al Menor


This case may be used in programs dealing with social entrepreneurship and corporate social responsibility or other graduate courses that delve into cross-sector collaborations among business companies and nonprofits.

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The Centro de Gestión Hospitalaria (Hospital Management Center)


By discussing this case, students can gain a better understanding of how competitors can collaborate in some areas, as well as the need to renew the value created for individual partners in order to keep an alliance alive and fruitful.

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Farmacias Ahumada S.A. y Fundación Las Rosas


This case is suitable for strategy courses focusing on alliance development, strategy valuation and selection in cross-sector collaborations.

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Cerámicas de Costaragua: The Challenges of Selling to Low-Income Citizens


This case may be used in courses on logistics, value chain management, inclusive businesses, and social responsibility.

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Corporación de Ayuda al Niño Quemado (COANIQUEM) and ESSO Chile


This case may be used in social organizations’ leadership courses and other courses exploring collaborations in the social sector.

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Developing Allies and Alliances: Autopistas del Sol y Fundación SES


As it shows how forging ties with the community tends to follow business needs, the case is suitable for the analysis of topics such as strategic management and change processes, corporate strategic approaches, and business opportunities and challenges posed by social contexts.

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A Business Leader’s Involvement in the Improvement of Education


Manuel Ariztía (Don Manuel), respected owner of a leading Chilean poultry company, has forged an alliance with Melipilla, a Chilean municipality, to collaborate in the management of the local 13,176-student public education system. The instrument used for this partnership was Melipilla’s Municipal Corporation (CMM), a private, independent and apolitical nonprofit organization that provides educational and healthcare services in the city. Over the past fifteen years, Don Manuel has become a leader at CMM’s Board, driving changes in the organization’s financial and educational performance. This case describes the evolution of this leadership role, highlighting issues associated with management succession, decision making, cultural change and collaboration challenges.

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The Corporación de Desarrollo Social del Sector Rural (Codesser)


This case is appropriate for management courses focusing on nonprofits’ strategic decision making.

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Proyecto Paria Foundation: a Mission Addressed to Transforming the Environment


This case may be used in courses on corporate social responsibility, NGO and social venture management, intended for both social development specialists and managers at large.

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Asociación Chilena de Seguridad (ACHS)


This case is suitable for any graduate program on business management focusing on nonprofits and dealing with strategic analysis and planning, decision making, and market analysis.

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IDEC and the Saga of Self-Sustainability


This case may be used in courses and seminars on social entrepreneurship and third-sector organization management. It may prove particularly helpful in courses dealing with its two focal themes: third-sector organizations’ sustainability and the tension between opposing roles: private service supply and public good production.

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Crear vale la pena: Using Budgets as Management Tools


Este caso puede ser utilizado en cursos de gestión de la organización, incluyendo el uso de los presupuestos económicos y financieros para la toma de decisiones, análisis de sensibilidad de varios escenarios para la gestión de crisis y, incluso, nociones de equilibrio.

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Case readers are encouraged to characterize CSU-CCA social programs and to play the role of Manuel Zuñiga, Corporate Affairs Department Head and Social Responsibility Committee member, who, at an upcoming meeting, would have to recommend which social ventures to support and which not to.

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Intermón Oxfam: the conflict between efficiency and values


This case may be used in a business strategy or policy introductory course incorporating nonprofit management specificities.

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Instituto Nacional de Biodiversidad (INBio)


This case may be used in leadership courses, to deal with succession issues, and in nonprofit management programs, to address topics such as venture sustainability and organization.

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Butterflies of Costa Rica


At that time, excess chrysalis supply not only damaged his business but also jeopardized the welfare of dozens of growers, including many low-income farming families, and threatened the social progress made over the past few years.

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Cruzsalud: Health care for low-income sectors


This case has been designed to help students.

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FUTUR: Working towards Social Inclusion


This case may be used to encourage class participants to discuss economic feasibility for social projects, analyzing sustainability and its fit with organizations’ missions. Specifically, this case provides an example to consider the development of business portfolios, discussing whether individual ventures contribute to value creation and mission accomplishment. At the same time, it leads students to reflect on the key factors to be taken into account in order to ensure portfolio success.

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Against this backdrop, INACAP’s leaders chose to seize the opportunity to acquire Universidad Vicente Pérez Rosales. However, this decision involved a change in INACAP’s strategic positioning. A few months after the acquisition, INACAP’s chancellor resigned, and the new chancellor, Gonzalo Vargas, faced the need to assess INACAP’s long-standing business model and determine its competitive strategy.

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Empleados Ya: el head hunter de los pobres


This case may prove useful for courses on entrepreneurship and startups’ early development, as it illustrates how to build a sound, sustainable business. It may also be used in courses dealing with base-of-the-pyramid business ventures, cross-sector collaborations, and economic and social value creation in businesses involving low-income sectors.

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Alpina S.A.


Este caso requiere que los estudiantes a tomen el papel de Juan Pablo Fernández, quien, tres años después de unirse a la empresa, se convirtió en su Vicepresidente de Marketing en 2006.

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Escudo Rojo: A Salvation Army Initiative and its Economic Growth Options


This case analyzes a successful economic initiative (Escudo Rojo) whose profits help support a legendary religious institution (The Salvation Army) while creating social value for low-income sectors through the sale of used goods.

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Fundación Pro Vivienda Social: The Entrepreneur’s Network as a Source of Resources


Finally, the case explains how FPVS rose to the challenge of worsening local social and economic conditions in 1998, developing alternative programs to appeal to new borrowers. As these initiatives proved ineffective, FPVS turned to other projects, based on the demands voiced by its target communities.

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La Fageda


This case may also be used to help members of NGOs, foundations, etc. to understand the challenges faced to compete in the marketplace and, at the same time, uphold organizations’ values and mission.

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Tierra Fértil


This case describes the practices and techniques used by Tierra Fértil in these neighboring countries’ different settings, enabling students to draw their own conclusions about the program’s effectiveness in both Costa Rica and Nicaragua.

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SNA Educa (ex Codesser)


SNA Educa (previously known as Codesser) is a non-profit organization which was created by the National Association of Farmers (Sociedad Nacional de Agricultura, SNA) in Chile. Its mission included improving the living conditions of people associated with rural activities. One way of doing this was by offering agricultural and technical education to low-income students in […]

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Green Gold: un modelo innovador de mineria sostenible


AMICHOCÓ Foundation was a private non-profit organization operating since 1996 in the Colombian department of Chocó, one of the poorest in the country and characterized by being largely inhabited by ethnic minorities of African origin and enjoying one of the highest levels of biodiversity in the world. The Foundation implemented productive projects that help improve […]

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Codensa: Easy Credit for All


This case describes how Codensa, an electricity company in Bogotá and Cundinamarca (Colombia), developed an easy-access consumer credit business model for low-income populations leveraged by the cost structure of its core business. Codensa offered consumer credit to low income populations through the Codensa Hogar business unit, by linking together a value chain of large retailers […]

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La Fageda (B): a social enterprise development


In 30 years, La Fageda had surpassed several business milestones that formed the means for attaining an ultimate aim. Its ultimate aim had always been the social and labor integration of mentally-challenged individuals placing the emphasis on each person’s capabilities. From the end of 2007 to the beginning of 2013 the company underwent growth by […]

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SEKN Case Catalog


Catalog of SEKN Network’s educational cases. All cases can be downloaded from the Harvard Business Publishing publications webpage.

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Gas Natural BAN’s Strategy for Low-Income Sectors – An Update


This document contains updated information on the case study published in 2009 under the title of “Gas Natural BAN´s Strategy for Low-Income Sectors” from data collected during the last quarter of 2013. Upon case discussion closing, this document may prove relevant to familiarize students with the initiative and the relationship between Gas Natural BAN (currently […]

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Collaboration mechanisms for sustainable innovation


The purpose of this article is to advance research on sustainable innovation through a business model (hereafter, BM) perspective. We consider the BM as a boundary-spanning system that encompasses various firms, in which value is created, exchanged and captured. More specifically, we look at the changes called for by the imperative of sustainable development, through […]

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Nutrivida was a social business created by an alliance between Florida Ice & Farm Co (FIFCO), a Costa Rican beer company, Yunus Social Business (YSB), an organization founded by Professor Muhammad Yunus, founder of Grameen Bank (the “bank to the poor”) and Peace Nobel laureate. This new social enterprise intended to fight malnutrition, focusing specially […]

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AMÓS Health and Hope


AMÓS Health and Hope was a Nicaraguan non-governmental organization (NGO) founded in 2007 to empower rural communities to establish their health needs and develop action plans to solve them. It also supported these communities, following up on their plans and providing guidance to execute the actions planned. Dr. Laura Chanchien Parajón, AMÓS´ Medical Director and […]

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Tecnosol 2017: Bringing Solar Energy to Rural Communities in Nicaragua


Tecnosol was a Nicaraguan solar power company founded by Vladimir Delagneau in 1998. Moved by his experience during the civil war in Northern Nicaragua, he returned to the capital determined to provide solar energy solutions to an immense rural population with limited or no access to electricity. In almost 20 years, his firm grew to […]

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Ascardio: Collaborating For Cardiovascular Health


Ascardio was a hybrid organization dedicated to support the cardiovascular program of the Ministry of Health in the mid-western region of Venezuela. What had started as a small project in 1976 had turned into a 11.5 million dollar per year operation with 400 permanent employees and 100 thousand diagnostic and therapeutic procedures per year. Ascardio […]

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Dress Your Home


The case documents the evolution of Dress Your Home (DYH) into a profitable line of business for Colcerámica. This was a great achievement since, outside of micro-finance businesses, there were very few large companies that had created successful initiatives with the base of the socio-economic pyramid. DYH initially sought to generate positive social effects through […]

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Cumplo S.A. is a Chilean fin-tech company based on sharing economy principles that aims to provide fair credit access and interest rates to small and medium enterprises. By 2016, Cumplo had successfully closed over 3,000 credit operations for a total of around USD 75 million, financed by over 3,500 investors. The case underlines the major […]

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Between Different Rhythms and Tones: Tough Times for the National Symphony Orchestra of Colombia


Since her appointment as General Manager of The National Symphony Orchestra of Colombia, Claudia Franco focused on its commercial management. She managed to increase the revenue of the Orchestra through an ambitious commercial agenda that involved concerts with famous artists, chamber concerts, recordings and movie soundtracks. Claudia counted on the musician’s commitment and disposition to […]

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Evaluating the Social Value of Impact Investments: Vox Capital and Magnamed


This case can help in understanding social impact investing using the perspective of the investee and supporting students to: Identify the generation of social value and financial value in a venture; Understand an impact investment thesis; Evaluate the alignment of objectives in impact investments; Analyze the tensions between social and financial returns in impact enterprises; Analyze the pros and cons of an investment decision from the perspective of an impact investment fund.

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Ecoflora: Sustainable Innovation in an Emerging Economy


This case illustrates how a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) can become a knowledge- based enterprise, able to compete through innovation in global markets from a developing country. This is a hybrid organization, which operates with the ultimate end goal of generating socio- environmental benefits.

This case was principally designed to be used in executive education, so that entrepreneurs and managers come to the understanding that Latin America is not condemned to compete on the basis of abundant natural resources or cheap labor. The case can also be used on undergraduate or postgraduate strategy courses to illustrate how to configure an emergent organizational strategy centered on social and environmental sustainability.

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Propaís: Striving for the Future of MicroFranchising in Colombia


This case is useful for postgraduate and executive education students who are interested in strategic planning tools and projects generating social, environmental, and economic value. It provides planning tools and decision-making support for professionals in management positions related to social responsibility or sustainability.

The case gives students the opportunity to analyze and appraise value creation by different organizations and develop decision-making capabilities by evaluating the dilemmas around selecting the best-suited anchor organization(s) to undertake an inclusive business distribution program. This allows students to appraise the challenges of managing organizations and private for-profit and public non-profit collaboration models designed to generate social impact.

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Alcagüete: The Challenge of Sustainable Growth


This case can be used in undergraduate, graduate and executive education marketing and social responsibility courses. On marketing courses, it is a useful tool for analyzing elements of strategic marketing and understanding the relationship between proposals, customers and value networks. It also allows for discussion on the fragility of a company’s value proposition when entering new segments of the market, and looking at how a commercial growth decision can strengthen or risk an
organization’s mission and values. By analyzing Alcagüete’s 1×1 model, cause-related marketing can be explained and options analyzed for ensuring the traceability of social contributions that are linked to product sales.

On a social responsibility course, emphasis can be made on how private companies form alliances with social organizations to generate social benefits and, at the same time, differentiate their brands. In addition, the case gives exposure to hybrid business models and B Corporations and the challenges they face when trying to simultaneously address social, environmental and economic aspects. A key topic for this type of company is how to scale-up the business without sacrificing its
socio-environmental value proposition.

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Worldcoo: creating a new market for consumer solidarity


This case has been designed to be used in social entrepreneurship courses in both MBA or MSc-level programs and aims to open discussion around purpose-driven organizations, social impact strategy, and internationalization of social impact start-ups. It examines the challenges and opportunities a social impact startup faces in pursuing scalability and growth, as well as the tensions associated with determining which competitive strategy to adopt in the short- and long-term.

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Banco del Barrio: Towards a transformative service platform?


The case was developed for use in service marketing courses for both undergraduate management and MBA programs, specifically in a session on transformative services. It serves in both undergraduate courses and business schools in developing economies as it enables students to visualize new growth opportunities in consumer sectors that are often overlooked. The purpose of this session is to offer a pragmatic perspective on how transformative services can help address complex issues in vulnerable populations. We emphasize how a financial institution can offer services with the goal of fostering financial inclusion. It should take around three hours to develop. During the first hour, the case will be presented, along with an exploration of the concept of transformative services for the base of the pyramid. The second hour is dedicated to a discussion of the case, followed by an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the options of Women’s Banking and a service platform for micro-businesses. Students must decide on the focus of the 2020 strategy.
The case could also be used in a course on design thinking or innovation for sustainable development. In this course, students can discuss the essential design elements that a service should have to generate a positive impact on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) target indicators.

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TecSalud’s Response to COVID-19


This case explores TecSalud’s response to COVID-19 between March 2020 and January 2021. TecSalud was the Healthcare System of the Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey (Tec). The case focuses on hospital management, but it can also be used to teach crisis management, with potential applications in other industries. Throughout the narrative, participants will be able to identify the challenges TecSalud’s leaders faced, their critical decisions in response to COVID-19, their actions to address the crisis, and the importance of considering key stakeholders to manage a crisis effectively.

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