SEKN Network 2018 annual meeting


On June 4th and 5th the annual meeting of the “Red SEKN” took place at the Santa Fe Campus from EGADE/TEC in Monterrey.
At this meeting the progress of many of the present projects of the network has been shared and many of the following steps have been agreed on. The work done by the operative coordination has also been reported and the change from the general coordination has been decided for September. The new management will be in charge of the INCAE.
The following took part in the meeting:  Gerardo Lozano, Ezequiel Reficco and Francisco Layrisse (EGADE Business School, México), Jorge Rodríguez (ESPAE Graduate School of Management, Ecuador), Rosa Amelia González (IESA, Venezuela), Andrea Prado and  Breatríz Avalos (INCAE, Costa Rica), Verónica Devenin (UAI, Chile), Juliana Rodrigues (Universidad de Sao Paulo FEA/USP, Brasil), Roberto Gutiérrez and María Helena Jaén (Universidad de los Andes, Colombia) and Gabriel Berger (Universidad de San Andrés, Argentina).