Gabriel Berger

Professor at Universidad de San Andrés and director of the Center of Social Innovation of the University.

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Developing Allies and Alliances: Autopistas del Sol y Fundación SES


As it shows how forging ties with the community tends to follow business needs, the case is suitable for the analysis of topics such as strategic management and change processes, corporate strategic approaches, and business opportunities and challenges posed by social contexts.

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Escudo Rojo: A Salvation Army Initiative and its Economic Growth Options


This case analyzes a successful economic initiative (Escudo Rojo) whose profits help support a legendary religious institution (The Salvation Army) while creating social value for low-income sectors through the sale of used goods.

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Fundación Pro Vivienda Social: The Entrepreneur’s Network as a Source of Resources


Finally, the case explains how FPVS rose to the challenge of worsening local social and economic conditions in 1998, developing alternative programs to appeal to new borrowers. As these initiatives proved ineffective, FPVS turned to other projects, based on the demands voiced by its target communities.

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Gas Natural BAN’s Strategy for Low-Income Sectors – An Update


This document contains updated information on the case study published in 2009 under the title of “Gas Natural BAN´s Strategy for Low-Income Sectors” from data collected during the last quarter of 2013. Upon case discussion closing, this document may prove relevant to familiarize students with the initiative and the relationship between Gas Natural BAN (currently […]

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